

Dynamic DWS Automatic Conveyor

Automatic package weighing and scanning volume measuring equipment (four in one)

Colors :

It can be integrated with telescopic belt conveyor, it is high efficienct equipment thast used for barcode scanning and weighing and physical image acquisition and archiving in the sending and receiving devices of branch.


Product instructions:

It can connect the assembly line  directly, also it can complete the scanning and weighing online. It can also be transmitted directly to the orginal main conveyor belt after being scanned, which greatly reduces the intensity of manual labor and improve work efficiency. It's the best supporting equipment in modern logistics system that seamless docking of automated warehouse with linear sorting cross sorting and multiple sorting equipment.

Product Model:

Model DWS-15 DWS-20 DWS-25
Max load 60kg
Min  load 200g
Resolution ratio d 20g/50g
Detection precision e e=d,e=2d
Max belt speed 1.5m/s 2.0m/s 2.5m/s
Belt height
Belt width <=2000mm
Belt length 1000mm~2000mm
Scale length 4200mm~5200mm
Scale width Scale width≤Telescopic conveyor width
Standard display OLED / Touchscreen (optional)
Protection grade IP52
Interfaces RS232、RS485/Ethernet/Modbus-TCP、Modbus-RTU/Profinet
Material Carbon steel / stainless steel
Power supply 100-240V,50~60HZ
Working temperature -10℃ ~+50
Options High precision laser stereo camera & code reader

High-speed     Ultra-thin


GUANCHAO keep long term cooperation with PESA. Our dynamic DWS automatic conveyor has earned good public reputation with its application in aerospace, medicine and food, postal service industry.

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Telescopic Conveyor
Dynamic DWS Automatic Conveyor
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